Client Testimonials

Shara, a client from Oakland, CA

“I started working with Jojo when I was going through a time of high anxiety. I was grappling with nagging feelings of unfulfillment and the pain of a sudden tragedy, all against the backdrop of the pandemic. What drew me to Jojo was her genuine and unwavering compassion and inclusivity.

While there's no doubt that Jojo has done a lot of heavy lifting on my behalf, the effects show up in subtle ways for me, and I have to do my share of the work. There are no shortcuts, and Jojo has never held me to a low standard just to make me feel better. So it's a huge help and relief to have her, along with her team of "Super Friends," devoting their energy and insights toward this process of shifting my trajectory in a better direction. But it's not all super-serious and doesn't have to be. I've had a lot of fun with the practices that Jojo has recommended along the way.

Where I live in the SF Bay Area, phrases like "holding the space" are part of the buzzword lexicon. That may have induced a sarcasm-laden eye roll from me in the past, but it only takes a person like Jojo - a judgment-free listener, a skillful shiner of gentle light in the dark corners, and a noticer of those little unpolished facets that we all have underneath the grime of life - to make clear what "holding space" is actually supposed to mean.

While the changes in my life are too personal for a testimonial (no offense!), I do urge anyone who feels stuck or broken to reach out to Jojo. I will always appreciate having her team on my team.”

Lucian, a client from Singapore

“By Divine Grace, I got connected with Jo on the 1st of June 2020 through a Facebook post she made. This connection was indeed meant to happen.

In the times we worked together, Jo used her powerful psychic and healing abilities to work through me, removing any discordant energies that did not serve my highest good, surrounding me with a protection shield in the presence of my Guides, guiding me to my self-sovereignty and remembrance, and activating me so that I can hold more light.

She was with me all the time, in my "pre-during-post" surgery, sending me lots of divine healing across the oceans and having the Archangels to protect me from all the time. Jo was with me when I was having relationship issues (family, partner), and she provided not only excellent advice with also energy healing to transmute away the dense energy to joy and happiness.

I couldn't be able to articulate the miracles we had when we were working together, and I highly recommend her to anyone who is ready to take a leap of faith! ”

Melissa, a client from Los Angeles, CA

“I became aware of Jojo's healing abilities through a Facebook friend who recommended her for depression and anxiety.

I've been working with Jojo consistently for the past five months, and I'm blown away by her connection to the spirit and other realms. From the first meeting, she's been keenly tapped into my energy and consistently—and magically—aware of what I'm going through.

Together, we've faced some pretty traumatic experiences and unearthed the root causes of the limiting beliefs and autopilot programming that's been keeping me stuck. She's cleared massive amounts of pain, trauma, and disdain from my experience in a way that completely removed the bodily response of inflammation, fight or flight response, and the general "charge" associated with particular events and emotions.

She also removed a pesky virus that's taunted me for years and given me psychic career direction and support. Throughout the time we've worked together, her abilities have expanded and become more precise. I've literally referred her to everyone I know who needs healing of some kind with the vote of confidence that, "If anyone can heal it, Jojo and her team can.”

Tina, a client from Iowa

“I started working with JoJo a month ago after seeing such a wonderful change in one of my friends. My friend raved about JoJo constantly, and it was evident that whatever they were talking about had a HUGE impact on her self-confidence and mood.

I had a big decision to make in my professional life and asked to be connected.  I was very skeptical about what I was about to experience, but trusted the process because of the change in my friend.

In our first meeting, JoJo brought up stuff from my childhood that I had only shared with a handful of people. Since then, I can FEEL my body's energy moving, getting to know my spirit guides, and feel as though I am on the verge of a breakthrough.<br><br>

Thank you JoJo!”

Laura, a client from Alemeda, CA

“I suppose it’s a good thing that it’s hard to easily define Jojo. I knew Jojo before her gifts really started to grow at an exciting and exponential rate. It’s not that Jojo hasn’t always possessed some level of “knowing.” She has. She has been a constant source of intuitive support and kindness for me even before her awakening in December. She has helped me grow in ways that bring me closer to my higher self. She’s one of the best friends I have ever known, and as her friend, it’s a thrill to see her coming into her own and truly being able to help people in life-changing ways. She’s a bright light bundled with a loving and energetic personality who has an uncanny ability to get at the root of a problem and help to define it for you so that you can start to really examine it for yourself. She will help you grow. She will help you heal. As you embark on this journey of self-exploration, which, let’s face it, can be a daunting task, Jojo will support you in ways that you didn’t know you needed.

I imagine many will come to Jojo because of her psychic abilities, and I get it. That part of who she is really is remarkable. But this is not a parlor trick for her. The information that comes to her isn’t so that she can prove to you that she inexplicably knows things that she shouldn’t. The information she gets is so she can help you heal physically, spiritually, and emotionally. She has a gift. No doubt. But she also is a gift.

As her friend, I’ve tested her. I work in the medical field, and at the base of who I am, I am a believer in science. So, when she offers information to me that she gets from her guides, I find that my knee-jerk reaction is to question it. I don’t mean to because, truly, at this point, I do believe in her magic. But I’ve spent a lifetime with the scientific method, and that mindset isn’t easily turned off. And so when she was able to tell me that a person whose picture I had sent her had’s hard to explain...I was floored. There is no way on earth that she would have known that about this guy. She wasn’t told who the person in the photo was. But she knew who he was. And then, when she said he has halitosis. You guys...he had the WORST breath. It’s like she could smell it through the photo. Ha! That moment is now defined as the halitosis moment because it was one of the first times she clearly showed me that she had sight. Since then, there have been countless times she has surprised me, my friends, or her clients with information she shouldn’t know. She has healed a recurring injury that I had had for months and has done the same for others.

Don’t work with Jojo because you want to get a reading and trip out on what she knows. She can do that, but she’s not here to just surprise you with magic. She’s here to heal you with it. Working with her will open your world up in ways you couldn’t possibly have expected. She’s the best.”